Concert 2

Sunday, 23 February, 2025 @ 3:00 pm

Sing and Play in Dulcet Tone: The Intimate Handel
The Mezzo Soprano in Love and Life along with Handel’s Harpsichord works!
Featuring Michelle Wrighte, Mezzo Soprano, Thomas Yang, Violin, Steven Houser, ‘Cello and Dennis Northway, Harpsichord
Michelle Wrighte
Thomas Yang
Steven Houser
Dennis Northway

H.W.V. 112 Figli del mesto cor
H.W.V. 103 Deh! Lasciate e vita e volo
H.W.V. 120b Irene, idolo mio
Two Sonatas for Violin and Basso Continuo;
And a Suite and Theme and Variations on Harpsichord played by our Artistic Director

Early in Handel’s career, he travelled to Italy. There he composed more than 100 secular cantatas largely for Soprano, but also some for Alto and Bass. Over the past quarter of a century, we have been exploring this UNIQUE repertoire like no other organization on the planet! This year, a Handel Week favorite, golden-throated Mezzo Soprano, Michelle Wrighte will offer three wonderful selections from that repertoire. These are songs of love and loss, of power and passion! They are accompanied by Harpsichord, played by our founding Artistic Director, Dennis Northway and by ‘Cellist Steven Houser. Concertmaster Thomas Yang will also join us as we regale you with two magnificent Sonatas for Violin solo. Add some additional Harpsichord music to this and you have an intimate afternoon of sublime beauty.